Year End Springboard - Intention Setting for 2025
Holiday & Healthspan Mindset Class with a focus on consistency, Neuroscience, & Winter Solstice Wisdom.
Holiday & Healthspan Mindset Class with a focus on consistency, Neuroscience, & Winter Solstice Wisdom.
Naturopathic strategies to optimize growth hormone, energy, cognition, and a vibrant Healthspan.
Naturopathic immune boosting strategies and a dive into understanding fats & oils (includes homeopathic flu prevention alternative).
Learn what Mary Poppins didn’t tell you and finally understand Protein for Healthspan.
Will cover:
Colon & Bowel Movement support
Microbiome importance for mood, skin, absorption, immunity
Pre-& Probiotics
Naturopathic nutritional & supplemental approaches
Will cover:
Stomach, Intestinal tract, Liver, & Vagus Nerve Health
Heartburn & Leaky gut
Food allergy vs. Intolerance
Brain support
Naturopathic nutritional & supplemental approaches
Will cover:
Strength benefits
Pillars for safe movement & body awareness
Use of Micronized Creatine for muscle/lean body mass, cognition, energy, & injury prevention
Advantages of Consistency and Anti-inflammation
Do you know what's in the products you use every day? Show up curious and leave empowered to make healthier, more intentional choices. It’s a lot easier being green than you think it is, and naturopathic physician Dr. Villano will show you how!
First, we’ll learn about immune system and hormone disrupters and other common toxic chemicals, then how to use a vetted nonpartisan, noncorporate, nonprofit database to discover if and where these harmful ingredients show up in the personal care and cleaning products you use every day. Finally, we’ll go over an array of easy, accessible, eco-friendly alternatives that are safer for you, your family, and the planet we all share. You can make a difference — personally, locally, and globally. Please join us!
Free admission; donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds will go to EASE Cancer Foundation, a local 501c3 non-profit dedicated to providing support and innovative educational programs for survivors in rural communities.